Good Things Come in Small Packages:
The Rules of Abbreviations
An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Abbreviations start with a capital
letter and end with a period. They are a handy way to save time and space when you’re writing,
but only if you use commonly accepted abbreviations. Otherwise, you’ll just confuse your
readers. Here is how to use abbreviations correctly.
1. Abbreviate social titles and titles of rank, both before and after a person’s name.
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
The Rules of Abbreviations
An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Abbreviations start with a capital
letter and end with a period. They are a handy way to save time and space when you’re writing,
but only if you use commonly accepted abbreviations. Otherwise, you’ll just confuse your
readers. Here is how to use abbreviations correctly.
1. Abbreviate social titles and titles of rank, both before and after a person’s name.
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
Miss is a title that comes before a person’s name, but since it isn’t an abbreviation, it doesn’t have a period at the end. A usage note: Many women now prefer the title “Ms.,” but some still prefer “Miss.” When in doubt, ask the woman what title she prefers.
3. Abbreviate time.
A.M. (before noon; ante meridian)
P.M. (afternoon; post meridian)
4. Abbreviate some historical periods. In most—but not all—cases, the abbreviation is
placed after the date.
Ancient times (2,000 years in the past)
Miss is a title that comes before a person’s name, but since it isn’t an abbreviation, it doesn’t have a period at the end. A usage note: Many women now prefer the title “Ms.,” but some still prefer “Miss.” When in doubt, ask the woman what title she prefers.
Degree Abbreviation |
3. Abbreviate time.
A.M. (before noon; ante meridian)
P.M. (afternoon; post meridian)
4. Abbreviate some historical periods. In most—but not all—cases, the abbreviation is
placed after the date.
Ancient times (2,000 years in the past)
B.C. (before the birth of Christ)
B.C.E. (before the common era)
Modern times (within the last 2,000 years)
C.E. (common era)
A.D. (Anno Domini, “in the year of the Lord,” an abbreviation that comes before the
Here’s how these abbreviations are used:
Emperor Augustus lived from 63 B.C. (or B.C.E.) to A.D. 14 (or C.E.).
5. Abbreviate geographical terms.
Dr.Sammi lives on Woodlawn
The following chart lists the most common abbreviations for geographical terms.
6. Abbreviate names of states.
Use the official U.S. Post Office zip code abbreviations, which are not followed by periods.
There’s a list of all 50 abbreviations in your telephone book.
FL (Florida) PA (Pennsylvania)
7. Abbreviate some Latin expressions.
e.g. (for example) et al. (and others)
8. Abbreviate measurements.
inches is abbreviated in. feet is abbreviated ft.Here are some of the most common abbreviations for measurements. Note that metric abbreviations
are not followed by a period.
9. Abbreviate the titles of some organizations and things.
These abbreviations are not followed by a period.
UN (United Nations)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
TV (television)
B.C.E. (before the common era)
Modern times (within the last 2,000 years)
C.E. (common era)
A.D. (Anno Domini, “in the year of the Lord,” an abbreviation that comes before the
Here’s how these abbreviations are used:
Emperor Augustus lived from 63 B.C. (or B.C.E.) to A.D. 14 (or C.E.).
5. Abbreviate geographical terms.
Dr.Sammi lives on Woodlawn
The following chart lists the most common abbreviations for geographical terms.
Place Abbreviation |
6. Abbreviate names of states.
Use the official U.S. Post Office zip code abbreviations, which are not followed by periods.
There’s a list of all 50 abbreviations in your telephone book.
FL (Florida) PA (Pennsylvania)
7. Abbreviate some Latin expressions.
e.g. (for example) et al. (and others)
8. Abbreviate measurements.
inches is abbreviated in. feet is abbreviated ft.Here are some of the most common abbreviations for measurements. Note that metric abbreviations
are not followed by a period.
9. Abbreviate the titles of some organizations and things.
These abbreviations are not followed by a period.
UN (United Nations)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
TV (television)